Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Times a changin

The inconsistency of how time seems to flow is often credited to have inspired Einsteins grand theory of relativity...i dont know how credible that is, but i do know this...time seems to drag when we are already burdened and seems to flow when we are having fun...
is Time but a state of the mind?
is it something that we lose track of when we are otherwise occupied by what we consider "nice" and consider it only when we have nothing to truly relieve us of our boredom/frustration?
does time only become important when all else we do is less important in our view than the "neutral" time?

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Not a care in the world

isn't the whole world but a rat race, day in and day out, arent you just another cog in the wheel? get me wrong...these are not the leading lyrics to another raving rap song.
its some of those random thoughts your mind tries to rage about the minute your alarm clock goes off on the side table near your bed.
You dont remember setting it carefully the previous night, you dont remember the important appointments you will miss, all you want is somebody to shut that dam*#!%^ thing off so that you can go off to sleep again.
you pull the covers up around your head, you try stuffing your head under the pillow, you do turn the snooze alarm off a couple of times, until you ultimately give in to the futility of rebelling against the passing of time
you come to your senses, you turn of that irritating alarm clock, hear some cheery fellow on the radio greet you (he probably recorded that last night for all you know) and go on to face the world yet another day...

ohh! how you wish you could stay on in bed without a care in the world.

what a shame you have to
jet, set, gotta go!

Sunday, October 31, 2004

teja Posted by Hello

Raving Craving Daylight Saving

a weird title huh?
actually that is a sequence that occured today morning in precisely that order.
Being an unusually sound sleeper neccessitates a human alarm clock, but when your roommate decides to wake you one hour late for an important appointment, you start raging at him as though he is responsible for your slumber. Then, you realise that all the "new, electronic, automated" clocks in the house show a different time from the "old, manually adjusted" ones.
hmmmm.... somethings going on...Halloween suddenly seems to be warping time..
then, a few discreet phone calls reveal that there exists something called "daylight Saving" ....
what a novel yet thoroughly bewildering thought... man ultimately CONTROLS ...even dares to CHANGE time... will wonders never cease around here?
then when the concept seeps in, you start craving this day light saving thingy every day of hour more of deep,sweet, sleep

Saturday, October 30, 2004

Weekend Mayhem

The weekend of Haloween and I am stuck trying to send in mail in rebate forms.... the faces of corporate america are showing up in my day to day life in a way i did not expect to see.
The commercialization of festivities is striking and the rest of the world is trying hard to follow...and why not? one way to loosen a customer's purse strings is as good as another.
As far as mail in rebates are concerned, I have no clue what they are or why they got instituted...what i do know is that they help the US postal service in the email generation and are extremely irritating to fill out. Also, when they say discount, the fine print means DO a LOT of WORK to get MONEY BACK from us and pay the WHOLE thing up Front

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Life as U know it

blogging is a catchy trend simply because if you know that you can write whatever you want for whatever it is worth and somebody might actually read it, you tend to write what comes to the top of your mind first. Such thoughts apart from being truthful and honest are usually blatanly illogical and to most readers exceedingly funny... in the end you end up noticing that most of the time, the first thing that surfaces in your head is pure RUBBISH...
So the ltimate advise is that on a test never put down the first thing that comes to your mind....
why oh! why? are u still reading this...