Friday, November 07, 2008

Lonely walker

I wake, I lie, I stumble and crawl
I hear the need of the clarion call
The first push and the path is shone
And then on out I walk alone.

A winding road that stretches out
So I sharpen wit and skills do hone
Strengthen will and rid all doubt
And keep on walking all alone.

I see other walkers pass on by
Treading their own calls of choice
Sometimes I let my thoughts just lie
Sometimes I choose to give them voice

The passion drives me forward still
A burning hunger from deep within
Each step forward a further thrill
Reaching forth for that elusive win

There is but one to satisfy
And he is too damn hard to please
It is his rare smile for which I vie
For the frown has a worrying crease

For perfection is worth the try
But all I have is one short lease
The goals set may be lofty high
But shall not bring me to my knees

I am him and he is me
All the same yet separate too
Rosy glasses through which to see
For a grayscale world a colorful hue

Bubble boy in bubble world
Just beware the needles hurled
Be not dejected nor forlorn
Just raise your head … just walk on!