a weird title huh?
actually that is a sequence that occured today morning in precisely that order.
Being an unusually sound sleeper neccessitates a human alarm clock, but when your roommate decides to wake you one hour late for an important appointment, you start raging at him as though he is responsible for your slumber. Then, you realise that all the "new, electronic, automated" clocks in the house show a different time from the "old, manually adjusted" ones.
hmmmm.... somethings going on...Halloween suddenly seems to be warping time..
then, a few discreet phone calls reveal that there exists something called "daylight Saving" ....
what a novel yet thoroughly bewildering thought... man ultimately CONTROLS ...even dares to CHANGE time... will wonders never cease around here?
then when the concept seeps in, you start craving this day light saving thingy every day of winter...an hour more of deep,sweet, sleep