Monday, January 30, 2006

A time for everything

There is something rebellious about college life... there is that spirit which even in the most timid encourages one to defy... in their own small ways.
My room mate in the college dorm was used to hitting the sack by 10 at night... i think it took about 2 and a half years and he was pulling all nighters... and we were playing computer LAN games at 4 in the morning and going for bike rides after around the time we were said to graduate. (I take his case simply because I dont want to state my own... Aaah! the convinience of writing the blog)
All the people who do "stuff" in college whatever that might be tend to turn magically into social "fits" whatever that defenition is. How does this miraculous transformation happen. what gos on in a college students mind?
Stay tuned for this discussion, courtesy of yours truly who still seems intent on not doing any research work and remaining a grad student so that he can honestly report on the college student mindset!


kads said...

hey...good to read this...:)...those were the days!...remember the early morning ride to Siddhivinayak temple?

Enigma said...

Hey Kakes...
Great to hear from you man.. and I will NEVER forget those early morning drives dude. I didnt mess with the code at ALL man... you are way overthinking this... just edit template... will post comments on ur blog as soon as you allow me to ;)

Anonymous said...

hey...I thought u didnt get my mesg on Yahoo!...I never imagined you would reply as a comment in your blog :P...btw, with some screwing around with the html code for the template, I got almost close to what I wanted...seems like some more tweaking is needed