Monday, December 22, 2008


If discovery is the unveiling of something pre-existing but unknown and invention the mortal "creation" of something new, does re-invention truly qualify as anything noteworthy? The cliched catchphrase that advertising gurus have repeatedly shoved down the throats of the unsuspecting public seems to be more a glam cover-up for something that went wrong the first time. But then, havent we really become the society of second chances?
Human fraility has become so widely accepted that instead of a continnual striving for perfection, we seem resigned to expecting to go wrong multiple times before finally getting it right. Why is it then that we still expect praise for simply endeavouring at a correction of mistakes? Guess its just that all labors need a gentle nudge of acclaim to be the cherry on top that allows us to move on the greater things.
The whole idea of re-invention though came from the seemingly unenviable task that all election managers and spin doctors seem to take up- the creation of a persona whose sole purpose is to please the public, placate the press and promise providence while plying politics. It is indeed a surprise that there is a vestigeal individuality left behind of the candidate once he has passed through the ringer.
On a more personal level, i am curious as to whether it is possible to re-invent oneself? are changes in personality achievable and if so how drastic can they be .. and will those who remain constants in ones life ever accept such transformations or is the only alternative to walk through life with some people always looking at you like the larva though you have transformed into a butterfly? (figuratively of course!)

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