Monday, July 02, 2007


The "in thing" to do these days, at least in the circles i seem to frequent... or with greater honesty the only circles i have.. is to do an MBA. Which brought me around to thinking that if everyone around wants to become a manager, what exactly it is that is running everything.. and if it is the only thing actually working, who needs the management more.. what seems to be working or those who seem to be shirking the actual nitty gritty in pursuit of what seems to be greater efficiency. I think the argument i was trying to make was lost somewhere in the circularity of my logic.... but if any of that actually makes sense to you, i am of the firm belief that you should be working, coz in my opinion, that was pure management speak - no message but a lot of words.
Wonder what that paragraph actually classifies me as.... on second thoughts.. dont answer that. :)

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