Friday, September 12, 2008

Bubble boy in needle world

No - for all the Seinfeld fanatics out there, I do not refer to a certai politically incorrect episode ;)
I refer instead to those few who walk on the clouds on a daily basis - no roots in practicality and non- chalant about it. I have been accused of being in that group way too often for me to not say something in a completely unasked for defense of the stereotype.
The rose tinted glasses, the thin easy ever present smile, the ever present hope and the repeated repressal of social pessimism. You couldn't not be a dreamy optimist to take frequent dissappointment in that gay springy stride and not lose a beat on the step.
I guess I do want these few to really achieve their hearts desires partly because I beleve in breaks and partly because I want to see what a oil sweetner can do to a person who manages satisfaction even in lean times.
Also, considering the seemingly increasing cynicism in the world today I guess we could all do with a few more people who remind us everything is OK. Don't know where I belong, but I sure would like it - would be an adjective used with pride in my book!

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